Simply & sustainably beautiful
Enjoy the simplicity of rural living with all the amenities and proximity to city life. Your backyard consists of the beautiful Haw River, 10 miles of trails, neighboring farms, community gardens, and plenty of spaces to gather and enjoy nature. These places have been intentionally preserved for the enjoyment of the community and considered everyone's backyard.
The renovation of the Upper Mill here in Saxapahaw offers a well-balanced village with all of the essential amenities nearby, just enough (and sometimes more than needed) space to live in, play in, and engage in, as well as many design elements and green energy systems to ensure that we are doing our part for future generations. Recognized for its environmental stewardship, this redevelopment project was awarded a Gold Stewardship Development Award from the Greater Triangle Stewardship Development Awards Program, the program’s highest-level award.
The green systems specific to the Sissipahaw Lofts include:
geothermal heating and air conditioning
solar hot water
passive solar design elements
grey water piping, bio-retention ponds
rain water catchment for irrigation and resident's use
planting native and functional species which serve a purpose in our greater ecosystem
(future) community gardens and composting site
Saxapahaw's proximity to North Carolina's major cities in the Triad and Triangle make it an ideal place to locate. See for yourself.